Empire's Island: Jonas Staal in conversation with Filipa Ramos

  • 2023,
  • pdf 5 MB

Conversation, published in 'Prix de Rome 2023', Jap Sam Books

Empire's Island: Jonas Staal in gesprek met Filipa Ramos

  • 2023,
  • DUTCH,
  • pdf 5 MB

Published in 'Prix de Rome 2023', Jap Sam Books

Ecologies of violence: Cultural memory (studies) and the genocide–ecocide nexus

  • 2023,
  • pdf 187 kB

Essay by Susanne C Knittel, published in Memory Studies, Vol. 16(6)

Assembling the Audience. The Spread of the Parliamentary Form in Contemporary Arts

  • 2023,
  • pdf 145 kB

Essay by Louise Décaillet, published in 'Crisis and Communitas. Performative Concepts of Commonality in Arts and Politics', Routledge

The Art of (Re)-Assembling: Performing Democracy in and through Space

  • 2023,
  • pdf 1 MB

Essay by Konstantinos Pittas, published in 'Konfliktuelle Kulturpolitik', Springer

To repeat also means getting ahead: The artistic and curatorial potential of pre-enactment

  • 2023,
  • ,
  • pdf 199 kB

Essay by Cassandre Langlois, published in TURBA: The Journal for Global Curation in Live Arts

Redistribute Toxicity: An Art Intervention into the Legacy of the Inter-German Toxic Waste Trade

  • 2023,
  • pdf 785 kB

Essay by Caroline Ektander and Jonas Stuck, published in Environmental Humanities, Duke University Press, Issue 3, Volume 15

Jonas Staal: Re-Forming Representation

  • 2022,
  • pdf 4 MB

Essay by Sven Lütticken, Afterall, Issue 52

Propagate Autonomy: On Jonas Staal, Captain America and Willi Münzenberg

  • 2022,
  • pdf 4 MB

Essay by Kim West, published in Afterall, Issue 52


  • 2022,
  • pdf 42 kB

Jonas Staal in conversation with Filipa Ramos, published in "Dialogue James Bridle-Jonas Staal", Nome Gallery

Indicting the Poisonous Imaginary—Radha D’Souza and Jonas Staal

  • 2022,
  • External link

Conversation with Stephanie Bailey, published in Art Papers, Volume 45, No. 3

Court Report: “Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes”

  • 2022,
  • External link

Article by Tobias Dias, published in Texte zur Kunst

Introduction to the Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes (CICC)

  • 2021,
  • pdf 5 MB

Conversation with Radha D'Souza, published in Errant Journal, Volume 2

From The “Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes”: The Lives and Deaths of Oil

  • 2021,
  • pdf 2 MB

Essay by Ashley Maum, published by Kunstlicht, Vol. 3/4

Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes - het rechtsysteem wordt voor de rechter gebracht

  • 2021,
  • DUTCH,
  • pdf 12 MB

Article by Joram Kraaijeveld, published in Metropolis M

We? Citizenships and Statelessness

  • 2021,
  • pdf 12 MB

Conversation with Ina Neddermeyer and Dominik Busch, published in Beyond States, Zeppelin Museum

Staatsbürgerschaften und Staatenlosigkeit

  • 2021,
  • pdf 12 MB

Conversation with Ina Neddermeyer and Dominik Busch, published in Beyond States, Zeppelin Museum

The Propaganda Wheel

  • 2021,
  • English,
  • pdf 376 kB

Conversation with Avsar Gürpınar, DAMN Magazine, No.78

We moeten nieuwe emancipatorische vormen van bestuur verbeelden

  • 2021,
  • Dutch,
  • pdf 455 kB

Interview by Joram Kraaijeveld, published in Metropolis M

Cosmic Care

  • 2020,
  • English,
  • pdf 1 MB

Essay by Tobias Dias, published in ARKEN Bulletin, Volume 8

Training for the Future

  • 2020,
  • English,
  • pdf 331 kB

Review by Marc Herbst, published in After Image, Volume 47, Issue 2, June

Versammlung und Commoning

  • 2020,
  • German,
  • pdf 3 MB

Article by Christoph Chwatal, published in Springerin, Volume 2

Jij hebt gewerkt voor Facebook, Facebook is jou betaling verschuldigd

  • 2020,
  • Dutch,
  • pdf 493 kB

Interview by Zoë Dankert, published in Metropolis M

Wir wollen soziale Medien sozialisieren

  • 2020,
  • German,
  • pdf 3 MB

Interview by Nicholas Potter, published in TAZ

Jonas Staal, Propaganda Art in the 21st Century

  • 2020,
  • English,
  • pdf 315 kB

Review by Christoph Chwatal, published in Third Text

Vi må lære at omfavne propagandaen

  • 2020,
  • Danish,
  • pdf 669 kB

Review by Tobias Dias, published in Dagbladet Information

Choreographies of Togetherness

  • 2019,
  • English,
  • pdf 409 kB

Review by Viviana Checchia, published in Metropolis M

Letters from the Future

  • 2019,
  • pdf 4 MB

Conversation with Denisse Vega de Santiago, published in VOLUME, Volume 56, December

Kunst Baart Oefening

  • 2019,
  • Dutch,
  • pdf 308 kB

Article by Jorne Vriens, published in Metropolis M

Posthuman Coalitions

  • 2019,
  • pdf 1 MB

Essay by iLiana Fokianaki for the exhibition "Obscure Union" by Laure Prouvost and Jonas Staal, published by Mercer Union, Toronto (CA)

Een unie van vele unies in wording

  • 2019,
  • DUTCH,
  • pdf 8 MB

Interview by Renee Volkers, published in Article

Art is Always Related to Power

  • 2019,
  • English,
  • pdf 5 MB

Interview by Anna Remešová, published on artportal

Jonas Staal: V současné chvíli nestojíme na vítězící straně

  • 2019,
  • Czech,
  • pdf 8 MB

Interview by Anna Remešová, published on arttalk.cz

The Propaganda Artist

  • 2018,
  • pdf 719 kB

Interview by Nadine Botha, published in DAMN Magazine

Sharks, Zealots and the Apocalypse

  • 2018,
  • English,
  • pdf 2 MB

Article by Jon Henley, published in The Guardian

Jonas Staal on Steve Bannon: A Propaganda Retrospective

  • 2018,
  • pdf 7 MB

Interview by James Elsey, published on Culture + Conflict

CCA harnesses energy of Yes movement to build a brave new Europe

  • 2018,
  • pdf 107 kB

Article by Nadine Mc Bay, published in The National

Jonas Staal’s Plea for Utopian Realism

  • 2018,
  • pdf 888 kB

Interview by Adam Benmakhlouf, published in The Skinny

Hoe Steve Bannon propaganda tot kunst verhief

  • 2018,
  • DUTCH,
  • pdf 4 MB

Interview by Misha Cohen, published in Vrij Nederland

Smooth New World: Agency and Utopia

  • 2017,
  • English,
  • pdf 1 MB

Essay by Runette Kruger, published in Culture, Theory and Critique

New Unions: Campaigning for Plurality or How to Get On with Democracy

  • 2017,
  • English,
  • pdf 2 MB

Article by Lena Johanna Reisner, published in Temporary Art Review

New World Embassy: Rojava

  • 2017,
  • English,
  • pdf 2 MB

Review by Ina Hagen, published in Temporary Art Review

Congres van de Utopie

  • 2016,
  • Dutch,
  • pdf 444 kB

Review by Rosa te Velde, published in Metropolis M

World-Making as Commitment: Jonas Staal (in conversation with Maria Hlavajova)

  • 2016,
  • English,
  • pdf 1 MB

Interview, published in FORMER WEST: Art and the Contemporary after 1989, The MIT Press

Assembly voorbij de angst: New World Summit van Jonas Staal

  • 2016,
  • Dutch,
  • pdf 855 kB

Essay by Robrecht Vanderbeeken, published in De Wereld Morgen

Jonas Staal's 'Propagandas'

  • 2016,
  • English,
  • pdf 373 kB

Review by Anders Kreuger, published in Art Agenda

Power of Assembly: On the New World Summit

  • 2016,
  • English,
  • pdf 233 kB

Article by Sumugan Sivanesan, published in Overland

Modica/Ragusa. Arte, rivoluzione, propagande

  • 2016,
  • Italian,
  • pdf 295 kB

Article, published in Sicilia Libertaria

Reinventing Democracy as an Expression of Freedom

  • 2016,
  • English,
  • pdf 798 kB

Report by Chris Keulemans, published in ROAR Magazine

El nou compromís d'Utrecht

  • 2016,
  • Catalan,
  • pdf 417 kB

Article by Martí Crespo, published on VilaWeb

A New Parliament in Rojava, Kurdistan

  • 2016,
  • English,
  • pdf 394 kB

Article by Merve Bedir, published in the Funambulist magazine

Koerdenparlement Syrië: kunst die ook politiek is

  • 2015,
  • Dutch,
  • pdf 313 kB

Article by Sandra Smallenburg, published in NRC Next

Art at the Heart of Emancipatory Political Struggle / Umjetnost u središte emancipakijske političke borbe

  • 2015,
  • English/Croatian,
  • pdf 903 kB

Interview by Ana Kutleša, Ivana Hanaček and Vesna Vuković, published in Zivot

Charlie Chaplin is een Koerd

  • 2015,
  • Dutch,
  • pdf 186 kB

Essay by Chris Keulemans, published in De Groene Amsterdammer

Beyond Socially Enraged Art

  • 2015,
  • English,
  • pdf 2 MB

Essay by Marc James Léger, published on openonline.org

Een progressief parlement als kunstwerk

  • 2015,
  • Dutch,
  • pdf 438 kB

Article by Robrecht Vanderbeeken, published in De Wereld morgen

Democracy Without the State: Jonas Staal Builds Parliament in Northern-Syria

  • 2015,
  • English,
  • pdf 10 MB

Interview by Domeniek Ruyters, published in Metropolis M

The Artist as Director: ‘Artist Organisations International’ and its Contradictions

  • 2015,
  • English,
  • pdf 793 kB

Article by Ekaterina Degot, published in Afterall

Jonas Staal Politólogo

  • 2015,
  • Spanish,
  • pdf 372 kB

Article by Léopold Lambert, published in Código

The New World Academy

  • 2015,
  • Dutch,
  • pdf 1 MB

Review by Sietske Roorda, published in Metropolis M

Artist Organisations International Conference

  • 2015,
  • English,
  • pdf 2 MB

Review by Andrea Liu, published in Afterimage

Constructing a Future Politics

  • 2015,
  • English,
  • pdf 743 kB

Essay by Nato Thompson, published in Mousse Magazine

A New World Summit

  • 2015,
  • English,
  • pdf 885 kB

Interview by Stephanie Bailey, published on Ibraaz.org

L'estat dels estats sense estat

  • 2015,
  • Catalan,
  • pdf 1 MB

Article by Martí Crespo, published in VilaWeb

Artist Organisation International

  • 2015,
  • English,
  • pdf 279 kB

Review by Sarrita Hunn, published in Temporary Art Review

Autonomy for a 'New World'?

  • 2015,
  • English,
  • pdf 101 kB

Essay by Ellen C. Feiss, published in Radical Philosophy

Social Media: Practices of (In)Visibility in Contemporary Art

  • 2015,
  • English,
  • pdf 2 MB

Essay by Sven Lütticken, published in Afterall

"L' Art est plus politique que la politique elle-même"

  • 2014,
  • French,
  • pdf 654 kB

Interview by Emanuelle Labeau, published in Global

Politieker dan politiek

  • 2014,
  • Dutch,
  • pdf 340 kB

Article by Pieter van Bogaert, published in H ART

On Beyond Allegories

  • 2014,
  • English,
  • pdf 333 kB

Review by Ellen C. Feiss, published in Open!

Kunstenaars tegen democratie, voor democratie

  • 2014,
  • Dutch,
  • pdf 813 kB

Interview by Eva Decaesstecker and Wouter Hillaert, published in rekto:verso

‘De wereld is de eis die we aan de wereld stellen’ Een interview met Jonas Staal

  • 2012,
  • Dutch,
  • pdf 132 kB

Interview by Joost de Bloois and Ernst van den Hemel, published in Alain Badiou. Inesthetiek: filosofie, kunst, politiek. Octavo, 2012

World History and Earth Art

  • 2013,
  • English,
  • pdf 762 kB

Essay by Sven Lütticken, published in e-flux

Verander de wereld. Bedenk hem zelf

  • 2013,
  • Dutch,
  • pdf 347 kB

Article by Robbert van Heuven, published in Trouw

Altijd dienstbaar: kunst in het hart van de samenleving

  • 2012,
  • Dutch,
  • pdf 613 kB

Interview by Huib Haye van der Werf, published in Metropolis M

Opsluiten, uitsluiten

  • 2011,
  • Dutch,
  • pdf 9 MB

Article by Herien Wensink, published in NRC Handelsblad


  • 2011,
  • Dutch,
  • pdf 11 MB

Article by Victor de Kok, published in de Volkskrant

Autonome kunst bestaat niet

  • 2009,
  • Dutch,
  • pdf 2 MB

Article by Raymond van den Boogaard, published in NRC Handelsblad